Further revised as of 8 Feb 2013 (Melody)
What you need:
- Music book (blue)
- Pencil case
- Rhythm mnemonic placards for 'ta', 'ta-a', 'ti-ti' (see LH corner of Mozart Manor's cabinet top)
- Solfege placards for 'doh', 're', 'mi'
Teacher resource: Lemon Lime, Come Butter, Hot Cross Buns handouts
- Recite basic rhythm mnemonics - 'ta', 'ta-a', 'ti-ti' - while clapping the equivalent beats in 'Hot Cross Buns' (concrete)
- Visually link crotchet to 'ta', minim to 'ta-a', quaver to 'ti' (pictorial)
- Create own actions to the above rhythmic beats in 'Hot Cross Buns' (creative ownership)
- Recite 'Button You Must Wander' and 'Cho-co-la-te' in rhythmic mnemonics (revision/application)
- Sing 'Hot Cross Buns' in solfege
- Change lyrics of 'Hot Cross Buns' to own language (NE cultural ownership)
- Sing 'Button You Must Wander' and 'Cho-co-la-te' in solfege (revision/application)
Tuning-in activity (Lemon Lime)
Le-mon lime. Keep in time.
Make it neat. Feel the beat.
Not too fast. Not too slow.
Keep it stea-dy, go, go, go!
- Teacher chants 'Lemon Lime' once while keeping a steady beat through finger snapping. Class to follow.
- Teacher adds in actions while chanting (tap knees for quaver beats, clap for crotchet beats).
- Pupils partner up and get into two concentric circles, facing each other. They chant the lyrics while doing the same actions, albeit they have to clap their partner's hands this time for crotchet beats. At the end 'go, go, go', everyone in the outside circle will move to their left to the next partner without losing a beat.
- Pupils to do it until they are moving in rhythm to a steady beat.
- Teacher asks pupils if their actions are in steady beat or rhythm (Answer: Rhythm).
- Teacher tells pupils they will be learning 'rhythm names' today.
Hot Cross Buns
- Teacher does three different actions for 1 beat, 2 beats and half beat in the rhythm of 'Hot Cross Buns', for pupils to follow, e.g. half beat = touch knees, 1 beat = pat shoulders, 2 beats = top-down comb hair action
- Do the actions again in tandem with the rhythm mnemonics this time, e.g. 'ta ta ta-a', etc.
- March in steady beat to the above.
- Teacher asks pupils to list the three different actions from shortest to longest.
- Teacher introduces 'ti', 'ta' and 'ta-a' from shortest to longest, as well as the standard clapping actions for these rhythm mnemonics. Pupils to clap and chant along with Teacher.
- Teacher shows flash cards of quaver = ti, crotchet = ta, minim = ta-a for pupils to copy into their Music Books.
- Teacher gets pupils to create their own body percussion in groups of 4, for the rhythm mnemonics they have learnt. Pupils are reminded of shorter and longer actions in tandem with the duration of each note.
- Before this, Teacher should have written the 4 bar rhythm of 'Hot Cross Buns' on the whiteboard. She will allocate each colour group to a bar to set their body percussion to, e.g. Red Group = Bar 1, Purple Group = Bar 2, Yellow Group = Bar 3, Green Group = Bar 4.
- After 5 minutes, each group will start with their number from bars 1 to 4 and continue in that sequence until the end
- Extension 1: Recite 'Button You Must Wander' and 'Cho-co-la-te' in rhythmic mnemonics after Teacher flashes the scores via the visualiser.
- Extension 2: Do in different tempo and dynamics.
- Teacher leads class in Hot Cross Buns rhythm with body actions, i.e. touch head for 'mi', touch shoulders for 're', touch hips for 'doh' (in correspondence with the respective pitches of each solfege).
- Now, Teacher does the same actions while singing the song in solfege.
- Apply standard Kodaly handsigns while singing the same song:
Mi re doh -
Mi re doh -
Doh doh doh doh re re re re
Mi re doh -
- Add in lyrics to the song while doing solfege handsigns:
Hot cross buns,
Hot cross buns,
One a penny two a penny
Hot cross buns.
- Change lyrics to Malay while doing solfege handsigns:
Kueh pisang,
Kueh pisang,
Satu dua tiga empat
Kueh pisang
- Teacher quizzes pupils on the different handsigns for different pitches, asking them to list 'mi', 're', 'do' in terms of highest to lowest.
- Each pupil can volunteer to stand up while showing each handsign correctly and confidently.
- Pupils write 'pitch = high and low (mi, re, do)' in their Music Books. The first 5 pupils who are the fastest, neatest and most correct (in copying) can be rewarded with an 'Aspiration' chop.
- Get children to brainstorm food and numbers in a different language, e.g. Tamil:
- Culture bearers: Identify international pupils in your class (e.g. Korean, Japanese, Bengali, Sinhalese, etc.). Get them to recite 'one, two, three, four' in their own language. Get them also to name a three-syllable food from their culture. String them in song, for the whole class to follow (show PowerPoint photos of the food mentioned below, or prepare your laptop with an internet connection):
*Mur-ta-bak (or Ro-ti John)
Mur-ta-bak (or Ro-ti John)
**Onne rande moone nalle
Mur-ta-bak (or Ro-ti John)
*Murtabak = Moo-tar-bark
**Onne = ooon-ner, rande = run-der, moone = moon-er, nalle = naall-er
*Murtabak = Moo-tar-bark
**Onne = ooon-ner, rande = run-der, moone = moon-er, nalle = naall-er
Hanna **dul set-set net-net
***dul = do-ool
Ichi ni-ni san-san yon-yon
- Extension 1: Pupils to perform their own version of 'Hot Cross Buns' while doing solfege handsigns.
- Extension 2: Perform 'Hot Cross Buns' on resonator bells and percussion instruments (e.g. in groups of 4, 1 pupil will play the melody on resonator bells and 3 pupils will play the rhythm on percussion instruments), singing along.
- Extension 3: Perform 'Hot Cross Buns' on xylophones and metallophones, in rhythm and steady beat respectively:
Drone (metallophone): C - C - C - C - C - C - C - C -
Melody (xylophone): E D C - E D C - CC CC DD DD E D C -
- Extension 4: Sing 'Button You Must Wander' and 'Cho-co-la-te' in solfege after Teacher flashes the scores via the visualiser.
- See words in blue above.
- Teacher to devote last 4-5 min of lesson or real time to the awarding of CIRA stamps to exemplary pupils/pairs.