Saturday, 30 March 2013



What you need:
  • Music book (blue)
  • Pencil case
  • Resonator bars

  • Sing and move to Funga Alafia in two-part canon
  • Recap Dua Mata Saya in Malay, and Chinese if time permits
  • Perform Dua Mata Saya with song and single bass-note accompaniment

Funga Alafia (Canon)

I greet you with my thoughts (tap on head twice)
I greet you with my words (tap on mouth twice)
I greet you from my heart (tap on heart twice)
With nothing up my sleeves (brush side of both arms, one at a time)

  • Recap Funga Alafia from last week.
  • Recap Funga Alafia with actions.
  • Canon (Teacher-Class): Class sings first, Teacher tells class to keep on singing and not get confused by her, before coming in one bar later (i.e. start singing only after the class has finished singing 'Funga Alafia' and is moving on to 'Ashay Ashay')
  • Canon (Class): Break the class into two groups. Last week's girl-boy groups is OK; your discretion is definitely good. Have one group sing first, while you lead the other group in two-part canon.
  • Canon (Class with Actions): Add in actions now, so that the canon will take visual form and the class can see what's going on.
  • Teacher asks pupils to describe their rendering of the song just now. How many parts are there? Who sings first and who sings later? Is it the same song or is it a different song?
  • Teacher introduces the words "canon" and "texture", like layers of the same cake. 
  • Pupils write 'Canon = Same song sung in parts at different times' and  'Texture = Layers' in their logbooks.
Application I

Funga Alafia (Movement Canon)
  • Circle formation. Boy-girl-boy-girl positioning.
  • Practise in unison: Sing song at least two times. Walk two steps into the circle at 'Funga Alafia'. Walk two steps out of the circle at 'Ashay Ashay'.
  • Boy-girl canon: Boys start first, girls start a bar after, in two-part canon (singing and movement), at least two times. If done correctly, pupils will be able to see the girls walking into the circle as the boys walk out, and vice versa.
  • Girl-boy canon: Swap parts so that each pupil gets an equal chance to practise.
  • Add in actions if all goes well.

Application II

Dua Mata Saya (Melody & Accompaniment)



Dua mata saya,
Hidung saya satu.
Dua kaki saya,
Pakai sepatu baru.

Dua kuping saya,
Yang kiri dan kanan.
Satu mulut saya,
Tidak berhenti makan!

  • Recap the Malay version of Dua Mata Saya with actions.
  • Sing the Chinese version with actions. 
  • Teacher tells class that they will now try singing Dua Mata Saya and accompanying themselves on resonator bells or xylophones/metallophones. 
  • This type of texture is called 'melody and accompaniment'. 
1. Sing the accompaniment in steady beat together with pupils.
2. Sing the melody to pupils' accompaniment.
3. Get into groups of three. Number pupils one to three. Distribute resonator bells. Everyone chants the letter-name accompaniment while they take turns to play (e.g. 1 to play first, then 2, then 3).
4. Remember to sing in G major.
  • Extension: Sing this song in Chinese, with melody and accompaniment, if all goes well.
      G       G       G      G
Du-a ma-ta sa-ya,
         G        G       D      D
Hi-dung sa-ya sa-tu.
      D      D      D
Du-a ka-ki sa-ya,
D    D           D       G      G
Pa-kai sepa-tu ba-ru.

      G        G         G      G
Du-a ku-ping sa-ya,
          G       G         D      D
Yang ki-ri dan ka-nan.
      D         D      D
Sa-tu mu-lut sa-ya,
D    D              D         C      C
Ti-dak berhen-ti ma-kan!

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