Monday, 15 April 2013



What you need:
  • Music book (blue)
  • Pencil case
  • Tho Tho Naai Kutty PowerPoint (given to you)

  • Sing Tho Tho Naai Kutty and Enjit Enjit Semut with their accompanying games
  • Analyse Tho Tho Naai Kutty's structure as ABAB
  • Play structure games in groups 

Experience & Concept

Tho Tho Naai Kutty
  • Pupils watch MTV of Tho Tho Naai Kutty (known henceforth as Tho Tho) and guess the animal (Answer: Dog).
  • Pupils recite Tho Tho with actions (see PowerPoint for transcription).
  • Pupils sing Tho Tho with actions (e.g. hopping and running action for 'hop and run, puppy', etc.).
  • Divide the class into two big groups. The first big group will sing Tho Tho with actions; the second group will bark in rhythm (e.g. dotted quaver + semiquaver + a crochet) at the '4-count rest' bars to imitate a dog.

Application I

Tho Tho Naai Kutty (Structure)
  • In colour groups, decide who is A and who is B, based on commonalities (e.g. boys vs girls, bespectacled vs non-bespectacled).
  • Each group to select a percussion instrument (e.g. A selects castanets, B selects guiros).
  • Perform the song in this order:
    1. Recite
    2. Recite and play rhythm on percussion instruments
    3. Sing and play rhythm on percussion instruments

Application II
Enjit Enjit Semut
  • Watch the MTV and guess the animal (Answer: Ant).
  • Find out the meaning of the song (see PowerPoint).
  • Play a game
    - Sit in a circle in your colour groups.
    - Pinch your thumb and index finger together.
    - Stretch out your right hand in the middle. Your pinched fingers should rest on the back of your friends hand, one on top of the other, like a stacko game.
    - Move your hand to the top of the stack in steady beat to the beat of the song.
    - The last hand on the top wins!
  • Sing with actions.
  • Analyse and identify the structure of the song (Answer: ABAB).

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